Saturday, July 26, 2014

World Of Tanks Propaganda Poster Design Contest

Since I am playing World of Tanks, I decided to participate in a current poster design contest, where the theme has to be like a WWII porpaganda poster. Hope both you and the community team like it :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


It has (again) been a while since I posted something here..
Of course I still use Blender quite often, but I'm in a phase, where I start some modelling, but don't finish the models.. Guess I am experimenting with different methods, Instead of finishing something.. Nevertheless I have something I want to show you! As mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I love motorbikes. I kind of fell in love with the Cafe Racer bikes and especially with the Honda CB 750. Unfortunately I can't afford one of those (yet), so I started to build  my own - with Blender! This is still WIP, the Engine and many other technical parts are still missing, but I already invested about 5 days of work into this, I hope you like it!

One of the methods I am experimenting right now is the array modifier for making a profile into the tyres. Far from perfect but for now I am happy with the result :)

Here some preview rendering images: